Thursday 26 January 2012

Magnificent Manure!

Compost heaps are fantastic habitats for invertebrates and the animals that feed on them.  Worms, beetles, slugs and snails will all make their homes in the rotting waste attracting a variety of animals including hedgehogs, foxes and birds.

Ground Beetle larvae

In Beckton District Park, there is a fantastic spot that the Newham City Farm uses to compost manure. Blackbirds, Magpies and Wood Pigeons are often seen foraging for worms and last year a family of foxes even burrowed into the huge pile and made a cosy home for the winter.

This is also one of the best spots in the park to find mushrooms.
Blistered Cup

for more information on compost and its benefits check out this article from BBC Wildllife

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